Do you suffer from Asthma?
Your asthma action plan is vital in maintaining and managing your asthma. Ideally your asthma action plan should be reviewed twice yearly to ensure it is up to date and the correct advice is followed in case of emergency.
Our doctors can prepare your action plan with you, to ensure that you understand that plan and what to do in each situation.
Our doctors and nurses can also show you the correct techniques for using a puffer and or a spacer if you are unsure.
Our Team
Dr. Monize Vargas
Dr. Monize Vargas graduated from the University of Medicine of Marilia in Brazil in 2011. She specialises in Family Medi...
Dr. Monize VargasDr Rouzbeh Zahedi (Rouz)
Dr. Rouz graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in Iran. He is passionate about al...
Dr Rouzbeh Zahedi (Rouz)Dr Josephine Tiu
Dr Josephine Tiu is from the Philippines and has been practicing medicine for 12 years before she decided to migrate to ...
Dr Josephine TiuDr Parvez Obaidy
Dr Parvez Obaidy graduated from Chittagong medical university , Bangladesh in 2003, following which he briefly practiced...
Dr Parvez ObaidyDr Simarpreet Kaur
Dr Kaur is originally from India and obtained her medical degree from Baba Farid University of Health Sciences and Resea...
Dr Simarpreet KaurDr Carlson Pun
Dr Carlson Yat-Hei Pun comes from Hong Kong. He completed his medical training at the University of Hong Kong in 2012. H...
Dr Carlson PunDr Andrea San
Dr San graduated from University of Medicine, Myanmar in 2015. She has over 4 years experience of working as a general p...
Dr Andrea SanDr Hajime Yamauchi
Dr Yamauchi graduated from Okinawa in Japan. After he moved to Australia he has been working in Bunbury Regional Hospita...
Dr Hajime YamauchiDr Jude D’Cruz
Dr Jude D’Cruz studied at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, University of London and qualified in 1982. Dr D’Cr...
Dr Jude D’CruzDr Alejandra Olgiati
Dr Alejandra Olgiati graduated in 2002 from El Salvador University of Buenos Aires Argentina. Dr Olgiati has special int...
Dr Alejandra OlgiatiDr Christopher Redgment
Dr Christopher Redgment (Topher) has worked in the UK, Africa and Asia. With qualifications in obstetrics and gynaecolog...
Dr Christopher RedgmentDr Iryna Oleshko
Dr Iryna Oleshko graduated from Medical University in Ukraine. Dr Oleshko worked as a General Practitioner in Ukraine an...
Dr Iryna OleshkoDr Nerissa (Nerie) Pecache
Dr Nerissa Pecache obtained her medical degree from the University of Santo Thomas in the Philippines. She has been prac...
Dr Nerissa (Nerie) PecacheDr Subha Ramachandra
Dr Subha Ramachandra graduated from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India in 2009. Dr Ramachandra moved to W...
Dr Subha RamachandraDr Rebecca Kennedy
Dr Rebecca Hows completed her medical degree at the University of Notre Dame Fremantle in 2013, prior to that she comple...
Dr Rebecca KennedyDr Paul Hyam
Dr Paul was born and bred in Adelaide. His medical degree was gained from Flinders University of South Australia. ...
Dr Paul Hyam