Palliative Care

A photo of two people holding hands

High quality Palliative Care in Bunbury

Palliative care is a specialised approach to healthcare that aims to address physical and emotional needs for individuals with serious illnesses or life-limiting conditions.

Our Bunbury GPs can play an important role in caring for you or your family members in need, through:

  • Symptom management
  • Advance care planning
  • Coordination of care
  • End-of-life care

Our Team

A photo of Dr Parvez Obaidy
Dr Parvez Obaidy
Dr Parvez Obaidy graduated from Chittagong medical university , Bangladesh in 2003, following which he briefly practiced...
Dr Parvez Obaidy
A photo of Dr Hajime Yamauchi
Dr Hajime Yamauchi
Dr Yamauchi graduated from Okinawa in Japan. After he moved to Australia he has been working in Bunbury Regional Hospita...
Dr Hajime Yamauchi
A photo of Dr Alejandra Olgiati
Dr Alejandra Olgiati
Dr Alejandra Olgiati graduated in 2002 from El Salvador University of Buenos Aires Argentina. Dr Olgiati has special int...
Dr Alejandra Olgiati
A woman smiling
Dr Iryna Oleshko
Dr Iryna Oleshko graduated from Medical University in Ukraine. Dr Oleshko worked as a General Practitioner in Ukraine an...
Dr Iryna Oleshko